The Domino Effect

A domino is a small rectangular wood or plastic block, thumb-sized and often with the face divided into two parts, either blank or bearing an arrangement of dots resembling those on dice. It may also refer to any of the many games played with such blocks, which are normally stacked together in lines and angular arrangements. A complete set of dominoes consists of 28 such pieces.

The word domino is also a noun meaning “a person who leads or manages an organization” or, in more general terms, “an individual who has leadership ability.” In business and other organizations, a domino has considerable influence and can cause positive or negative effects, depending on how it is used.

Domino is a word that can be found in many English-language dictionaries and reference books. It is also a common part of the names of some cities and towns in the United States, including Boston, New Orleans, Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, and Los Angeles. Domino’s pizza chain has adopted the word to describe its style of management, which is less bureaucratic and more democratic in nature than traditional corporate models.

There are also some examples of the word being used in other languages, including Spanish and Italian. It is sometimes spelled as domno and domni, and some people use it to refer to a type of building, such as a house or a church, as well as to a system of government.

Whenever a domino is tipped ever-so-slightly, the pieces fall in a cascade of rhythmic motion. This is the domino effect, and it can be applied to any action that causes other actions to follow in a similar way. Whether you’re writing a story off the cuff or composing a manuscript with a more precise outline, the principles of the domino effect can be helpful to keep in mind.

A domino is an arc polygon, which means it has a regular repeating pattern of shapes. Among other things, such a polygon has equal angles at each vertex and equal sides.

To play a game of domino, the players draw one domino from their hand and place it in the center of the table, with its open ends facing up. Each player then places a domino of his choice on top of that, matching one end of his tile to an open end on the previous tile or a side of a line of dominoes.

Once the players’ hands have been filled, they draw one more domino to determine who goes first. The player who draws the highest double or, if there is no double, the player with the heaviest hand, plays the first tile. The other players then place their tiles on the table in a row. Some variants of the game require that each player place his tiles in a straight line, while others allow players to place them at any angle. Each player then scores points based on the number of exposed pips on each end of his dominoes.